Week 3 & 4: Settling In

September 30, 2008 - Filed under Scuba Diving, Weekly Report

OK I know I missed a week. But some how the days here just seem to fly by. I’m amazed by people who manage to post everyday. Here I am living in a tropical paradise where my biggest decision of the day is ‘should I read my book by the pool or in a hammock?’ and I can barely manage to post once a week, let alone once a day.

Anyway, over the last two weeks we’ve been settling in to life in the Philippines. As I mentioned in the last post we moved into a new place, which has been great. After three weeks of eating out it’s been great to be able to cook for ourselves. And although it’s a little small, it’s nice to have somewhere to call home, even if it is only temporary.

Mike spent four days doing his open water dive course, and is now officially certified. So far we’ve only done one dive together as the visibility has been pretty poor since a typhoon passed through the northern Philippines last week. And it looks like there is another one on the way, so it might be a couple more days before we’re back in the water.

Despite the typhoon and a couple of tropical storms the weather has actually been pretty good. We knew we were arriving during the rainy season, but until we actually got here we weren’t totally sure what that meant.  So far most of the rain has been in the evenings with the days seeing temperatures of around 30° to 33°. The occasional day that it has rained (like today) it’s actually been a welcome break from the heat.

Also because of the weather, things have been pretty quiet around here, however low season is coming to an end and it’s slowly starting to get busier. High season will be in full swing in about a month, so for now we’re enjoying having our run of the place.

Posted by: Kelly

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