Week 9: Back in Dauin

November 3, 2008 - Filed under Scuba Diving, Weekly Report

When we last updated you guys we had just arrived back in Dauin after spending a week in Boracay. With only a few days left before Halloween, and no plans yet we decided to head into town and wrangle up some costumes. Those of you that know me, know I love halloween, so I have to admit that this year was a little strange celebrating in a country that barely even notices it.

We spent the better part of the day wandering around the streets of Dumaguete checking out pretty much every store trying to figure out what we could go as, that would be relatively easy to pull off with limited supplies and lack of time. At first we thought we’d go as ghosts… that would be simple enough. Just a couple of white sheets, cut out some eye holes and we’d be good to go. However finding plain white sheets proved to be almost impossible (we only found one and they wanted 2150 Pesos for it – apx $50CAD) and the more we thought about it the more we realized that being stuck under a sheet all night in 30 degree weather probably wouldn’t be the most comfortable thing.

We ended up taking the easy way out, which I know doesn’t usually happen when it comes to me and halloween, but it was still fun and we were the only ones at the resort who I think even realized it was Halloween.

In town that day we managed to find a couple of pumpkin shaped buckets and picked up a bunch of candy. Mostly crazy filipino candy that we’d never heard of but hey, it only cost us about $5. All dressed up, candy in hand we wandered around the resort wishing everyone a happy Halloween and making them all eat some candy. I think most people thought we were a little bit crazy, but once they had some candy and realized we were harmless, they got into the spirit a little more. The girls in the kitchen, were however a little bit frightened of Mike, and he had to put the bucket of candy down and walk away before they’d actually take any. It was a fun night, even if a little tamer than most halloweens, but it definitely made me miss everyone back home and reminded me of how much fun last year’s party was.

The next day we caught up on some work. And the following day we went for a dive. It was great to get back in the water with my camera as it had been about 3 weeks since I took it along. When we went to Siquijor I decided to leave it at home since we were traveling light and it can be a bit of a pain to carry. Then when we got back the first day I went to dive with it, I accidentally broke the battery for my strobe. Before we left for Boracay I was able to order a replacement from a great little shop in Singapore (Scuba Cam), who had one in stock and shipped it right away. When we got back from Boracay it was waiting for me at the DHL office in town, who delivered it that day.

Although the dive we did wasn’t the best we’ve done since we’ve been here in Dauin, it was a significant improvement on Boracay, and I managed to get a few good shots.

As Mike mentioned last week, the place we are living in is starting to get a bit small for the two of us. We’ve had a few issues with the roof leaking and dirt falling from the ceiling, and well… the small things are starting to add up. We were hoping to move into one of the other apartments they have at the resort we’re in, but we keep getting the run around and it doesn’t seem to be working out the way we’d hoped.  So we’re on the search again for other options. We’re committed here until Nov. 20th, so hopefully something else will come up before then. If not, we might be off to Thailand sooner than we thought.

Posted by: Kelly

1 Comment so far

  1. eric November 5, 2008 1:42 am

    Hi, lucky chaps, you are the master of time. Good journals and beautiful pictures. Hope your next destination is Thailand (if you have not been here first).

    Would you be interested in a mutual link exchange?


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