Bali Beers

June 19, 2009 - Filed under Drinks

Kelly and I are fans of sharing the big beer with a couple small glasses. It’s something we picked up in Brazil at the many restaurants where you get a seat at a plastic table in the middle of the sidewalk or sometimes in the middle of the street. You even get a giant beer cozy to keep it cool. It’s often a little bit cheaper, and there’s something very communal about it. 1 beer/2 glasses is often one of our first translations into the native tongue.


Bintang is the staple beer of Bali. Available everywhere, it’s your typical pilsener around 5%. At times it seems everyone in Bali is wearing a Bintang branded shirt. Good flavour, except for the one I had that tasted like gasoline. The locals get 2000 Rupiah ($0.02) for returning the bottles, and I guess even power washing the bottles won’t remove the tang of gas. *Note, this image wan’t taken by Kelly. We must have forgotten to take our own picture after having a few too many Bintangs.

Bali Hai Beer

Bali Hai Beer is utterly tasteless. It has no flavour whatsoever. We poured this one out.

Bali Hai Draft Beer

The only thing with less flavour than Bali Hai Beer was Bali Hai Draft Beer.

Anker Beer

Anker beer was quite good. Pretty similar to Bintang.

Kuda Putih Beer

Kuda Putih was my favourite alternative to Bintang beer. It had good flavour, and I got some kind of juvenile pleasure from saying the name with a bad Balinese accent. Plus, check out that alcohol induced horse rage!

Storm Tropical Ale

Storm makes 4 great beers. The Tropical is a nice fruity ale. The Golden, a light hoppy ale. The Brown, a sweetly smooth dark ale. And the Pale, is a good well… pale ale. Harder to come by, we didn’t stumble across these too often and actually had to make note of the few places to get them. Even the corner stores and grocery stores didn’t seem to stock them.

Storm Golden Ale

Storm Brown Ale

Storm Pale Ale

Bali and the rest of Indonesia is undergoing a liquor shortage due to the government crackdown on illegally imported alcohol. As such, import liquor is expensive and major brands can be hard to come by. A 26 ounce bottle of Canadian whiskey was more than $50, as were most bottles of wine. As such, I opted to try a local brand for a few dollars.

Mister Whisky

When it’s this bad for you, they call you Mister. It appears that the downside of drinking local alcohol stocks is the monumental hangover the following day. I don’t know if there are some serious impurities in there or what, but two or three ounces of this put the hurt on me the next day. Maybe it was the green tea they suggested I mix it with by taping a can to the bottle? An odd taste. Not one I’ll be repeating soon.

Mister Whisky and Green Tea?


Posted by: Shim

9 Comments so far

  1. Murray June 19, 2009 11:26 am

    Wow, you guys are busy! ;)

    What’s that taped to the top of the Mister Whisky label, is it a Balinese Tylenol ready for the hangover?

  2. Shim June 19, 2009 11:51 am

    Actually, that’s the import sticker that caused the whole liquor shortage issue. All imports are tagged and the government is cracking down on fake or missing tags. If they put a Tylenol under them, hell… I might actually buy the $50 bottle instead. :)

  3. Shim June 19, 2009 11:54 am

    Actually, on second thought that sticker would imply that Mister Whisky was an import, no?…. I think I got rooked.

  4. Jaybe Allanson June 20, 2009 12:26 am

    This is my kinda post. Its like Beer Porn!

  5. Shim June 20, 2009 12:52 am

    Kelly has a photo series for each country we’ve been in. “Beverages Abroad”… The only problem is she has to set it up and take a picture of it BEFORE I get to drink it.

  6. Kelly June 23, 2009 2:30 am

    Since you complain so much I’ve stopped trying to get pictures of full bottles… the next set for Malaysia will have empty bottles of both Pirate Rum, and Calypso Rum!

  7. Shim June 23, 2009 2:37 am


  8. tempo dulu June 18, 2010 3:23 am

    Mister whisky? what a laugh! Seriously, though it’s best to avoid these dodgy beverages as sometimes they get ethanol confused with methanol and end up with a brew that kills its drinkers(I’m not kidding).
    .-= tempo dulu´s last blog ..Stiff neck syndrome hits Indonesia! =-.

  9. Ronald November 25, 2010 5:44 pm

    Damn, im indonesian but i hv never tried kuda putih beer. Regarding whiskey and another liquor, u might want to try “Topi Miring” too. It has the same effect with Mister which is 2 days hangover

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