Week 22: Dinner Parties with Friends

February 3, 2009 - Filed under Drinks, Eats, Entertainment, Scuba Diving, Stuff to do, Weekly Report

It’s likely due to our limited time left in the Philippines that this week we attempted to be a little more social with a few of our local friends. We’ve been busy working and preparing for the next phase of our trip, but no excuses! Parties must be partied…

Early in the week we had Patrick from Dive Society over for a lasagna dinner accompanied by a few bottles of wine. He’s given his notice at the dive shop where he works as a dive instructor and will be becoming a nomadic yogi rambling through Bali in the near future. We hope to meet up again in Thailand in a couple months. Patrick is also an illustrator. Check out his portfolio site if you’ve got a minute.


A couple days later, we invited Andrew and Chantal by for my special brined chicken dinner. Dinner was a success, but it may have been turkey in disguise because within an hour, I was unconscious and in bed. Coming back from the CR, the bed just looked too comfy and resting my eyes for 5 seconds was inevitable. Tryptophan or too much rum? I suspect too much work. Having been up since 6am for conference calls pretty much every day this week, I was pretty worn down by the evening. Sorry guys! Next time, it’s Red Bull and Jägermeister shots after dinner for everyone! ;)

Saturday we went to El Dorado for a few drinks. We met up with Raina, a photographer from Toronto who contacted us through the blog a few months back and ended up coming to vacation in Dauin. Oddly enough, we actually have some mutual friends back in Canada. It’s a small, small world. She swears she’s not stalking us, but I’m still adding her to my limited profile on Facebook, just in case. Just kidding Raina!!! I know you’re watching.

Sunday, we went for a dive at a site called Masaplod South. I’ve been there before and it’s one of my favourite sites. There are some nice coral slopes with tons of stuff to find. Some highlights were 2 frogfish, a mandarin fish, a couple pipefish, a blue ribbon eel, and a tiny cuttlefish. There’s also tons of nudibranch amongst the corals. The last time I was there I saw 4 or 5 huge cuttlefish the size of my forearm around 27m. Unfortunately the visibility wasn’t fantastic for this dive, but I still enjoyed it. Having become familiar with a few dive sites, we’re definitely spotting a lot more fishy creatures.

cuttle fish

On Monday (Kelly will kill me for crossing over into the new week!), Patrick invited us and Raina over for dinner. We had a nice stir fry with a bottle of wine, a couple beers, and some funky gin/lime shooters. Dancing ensued. Puppies were played with. Photos were taken. I highly doubt Raina made it to the 6am Siquijor ferry the next day.


Lucky for us, there’s still 3 more weeks of saying farewell to come!

Posted by: Shim

5 Comments so far

  1. Raina February 16, 2009 7:07 am

    Ha, ha nice!!! Your stalker even made it to your blog! I rool with this stalking business….
    miss you guys!

  2. Patrick March 3, 2009 10:02 pm

    he, thats me :)

  3. Patrick March 3, 2009 10:02 pm

    no thats not me

  4. Patrick March 3, 2009 10:02 pm

    ok its me ;)

  5. Shim March 3, 2009 10:15 pm

    Just because you can’t remember it doesn’t mean it’s not you. ;)

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