Week 53, 54, and 55: Another year on the road begins

September 22, 2009 - Filed under Eats, Weekly Report

Happy September 1st! This marks the 1 year anniversary of Kelly and I becoming homeless wanderers.

There’s been a lack of posts from us for a few weeks. I suppose that’s because not much has really changed back home since we left a year ago. The same old haunts are still there. Our friends are pretty much as we left them. Just a few of them got married, or popped out babies, or got a little heavier. ;)

We headed back to Kelowna after visiting Kelly’s family in Edmonton, and it was my turn to see my parents. My folks are based on Vancouver Island, but just bought a place in Kelowna and took possession this week. It would be really convenient for us if we ever came home. No more choosing who’s parents we spend Xmas with, but this year we’ll have to ask them to come visit us instead.

It was great to see my Mom and Dad. It’s kinda funny because I usually only saw them in person once or twice a year before we moved, but it felt like we hadn’t seen each other in a really long time. They even flew out my brother from the island to visit. We had a few good dinners together, and I also got to catch up with a couple of my aunts and uncles who follow our blog regularly. Good to know someone is reading our ramblings… In fact, just about everyone we saw mentioned that they read our posts, but there seems to be a suspicious lack of comments. I’m going to start asking you guys to check in. Anyway, since my parents and Kelly’s folks now live in the same town, it was suggested that everyone should potentially be in the same room at the same time. I don’t know why that sounded daunting at first. Probably just lingering images from the Meet the Fockers movie, but the night went off without a hitch due to Bryan and Linda’s superb hosting and an ample amount of wine. We spent a few more days in Kelowna and headed back to Vancouver after the long weekend in our little rental car which had aged 2000km in the last 2 weeks.

Long Weekend Traffic

Back in Vancouver, we met with a few more clients and ran through the travel checklist. Travel insurance, deodorant, a new razor, a few new books. We try to travel light, but we’re still hauling 70-80kg of stuff from place to place. Beyond a few changes of clothes, the computers, backup drives, Kelly’s underwater camera gear, and a bunch of dive equipment usually ends up doubling our domestic airfares. The number of taxi drivers and porters that have severe lower back issues from our baggage is staggering.

On the 12th we had our reunion/departure get together titled the “You Know You’re Still Fucking Jealous” party. A similar theme to last year and again at our friend Raya’s restaurant, the Alibi Room in Gastown. Getting the crew together was nice, and I made up for my poor showing on my birthday, when I nearly fell asleep in my beer due to jetlag, by staying out till 3 or 4am. Needless to say, the next day was spent lying on the couch.

You Know You're 'Still' Fucking Jealous Party


Sher & Me

Su & Tawnya

On one of our last nights in town, my buddy Jay had us all set up at Brix in Yaletown. Chris and Kyla, Jay, and us sat down to an amazing five course meal where the chef had paired each course to a bottle of wine Jay had selected. A few nights later, we met with Mike, Alex, Taz, and Erin at Campagnolo and had a great Italian meal. We’ve eaten amazingly well over the last month between dining out with friends and mooching off our folks, but we’re both itching to be in our own place with a kitchen again.

We’ve done a ton of moving about in the last six months, and even more since coming home trying to visit everyone. I think in general we’re due for a settling down phase again. Much like in the Philippines, we’d like to get an apartment and unpack the bags for a while. Six months in Costa Rica learning to surf sounds like heaven right now.

Things that are great about being back in Canada:

– Ants don’t swarm the food you didn’t put in the fridge.
– You can drink the tap water.
– Fast internet!
– Less people per square inch.
– You don’t have to dodge chickens when driving.

Things that suck about being back in Canada:

– $100+ hotel rooms.
– Speed limits.
– Why isn’t there free WiFi everywhere?
– Liquor laws are stupid.
– It’s fffffreezing!

Goodbye Vancouver!


Posted by: Shim

5 Comments so far

  1. Kelly September 22, 2009 8:43 pm

    You forgot about Caesars and Steaks in the Yay Canada category!

  2. Chris September 23, 2009 7:48 pm

    Teh Caesars!!!

  3. Raina Kirn September 26, 2009 4:24 pm

    Hope you guys are having a wicked time!
    Sorry we just missed each other in Van! Maybe I’ll stock you in Costa Rica though :)

  4. John Bardos - JetSetCitizen September 26, 2009 10:59 pm

    Congrats on you one year nomadic anniversary!

    I have the same experience. I also am closer than ever to my friends and family, even though I live on the other side of the planet. Returning home is a much bigger event then just driving across the city. I see my family more now than when I lived in the same city.

  5. Shim September 27, 2009 12:28 am

    Raina, you know our policy. There’s always an open surf invite. Hope to see you soon!

    Thanks John! It’s true, I used to talk to my folks every month or so on the phone, but even though we’re now so much further away we talk every odd week on Skype. Same goes for many of our friends. It’s great that distance no longer has so much impact on how close we can be to our friends and family.

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